Chester Billiards League


The Billiards League is a section of the CDBSL, but because certain administrative matters and rules of play are specific to billiards this document defines these special areas.
Overall administration and control remain with the C&DB&SL via its constitution.

    General Rules

  1. There will be a Chairman and a Secretary who will be elected at an Annual General Meeting held before the start of the season on a mutually acceptable date.

  2. The management of the league shall be vested in a committee consisting of the Chairman and Secretary and one representative from each team. Other meetings may be called for specific purposes at times set by the Officers, for example to set and review handicaps or to deal with any disciplinary matters.
    In these meetings each team representative shall have one vote. The Chairman and Secretary are only entitled to vote if they are representing a team; if necessary the Chairman shall have the casting vote.

  3. Additions or amendments of these rules may only be made at a General Meeting.

  4. Registration

  5. All applications to enter a team in the league shall be made before or at the Annual General Meeting. At a Committee Meeting following the AGM lists of players shall be submitted for registration and handicapping. Further registrations may be submitted up to 31 December; in exceptional circumstances additional registrations may be requested after this date for consideration by the committee.

  6. A player may not represent more than one team in the league season. Anyone registered for a team for which he has not played in that season may apply to be transferred to another team at the discretion of the management committee. In very special circumstances, a player having already played for one team may apply to the committee for permission to transfer to another team.

  7. Finance

  8. All fees will be paid directly to the C&DB&S Treasurer.

  9. League Match Rules

  10. Start time for matches will be: One table 7.00pm - Two tables 7.30pm

  11. The Rules of Billiards as issued by the EABA shall apply unless otherwise stated.

  12. Players will be handicapped using League results using the following system:

    Each player will be allocated a handicap at the start of the season. This handicap will be adjusted on a match by match basis. If a player wins, his handicap will be reduced 5 points. If a player loses, his handicap is increased by 5 points. The new handicap will then be used for the player's following match.

    New players will be allocated an initial handicap based on any relevant information from Clubs, other players or other Leagues. Their handicap will then be adjusted as detailed in the paragraph above.

    The system will apply to both League and Cayzer Cup matches.

    The maximum handicap will be +115.
    The minimum handicap will be -200.

    The committee will have the power to review a players handicap at any stage should they believe there are exceptional circumstances.

  13. Each team will consist of four players and each game will be 200 up played off the set handicap.

    If a team is a player short the non-offending team shall be awarded the 2 points in respect of the un-played game.
    The 2 points in respect of the aggregate score shall be decided on aggregate of the 3 games played.

    If both teams can only raise 3 players each, they can either nominate one player from each team to play twice, or each team will receive a point from the un-played game.

    A team must consist of a minimum of three players.

    No handicap will be adjusted for any unplayed game

  14. In determining the order of play where there are two tables, the home captain will nominate the first two players which the away captain will match with two of his team; in the case of one table clubs, players will be nominated in order. For team matches on neutral tables each captain will list their playing order independently.

  15. In all games the players will string for break. The winner will decide who breaks off. However, the home player shall play with the yellow ball and will be marked as spot at the top of the scoreboard.

  16. Stalemate Rule: If, during a game, the referee decides that a stalemate has been reached, he will allow each player three further shots. If the issue is still not resolved, the red ball shall be respotted and the players will string as at the beginning of a game. The scores will continue from the point of the stalemate.

  17. Two points will be awarded for each game won and two points for the highest aggregate; in the event of a tied aggregate each team will receive one point.

  18. If teams finish on level points at the end of the season, a play off match will be arranged at a neutral venue on a mutually acceptable date.

  19. Matches may only be postponed in exceptional circumstances. A match may be brought forward if agreed by the two teams and the Secretary must immediately be informed. In rearranging a match at a future date the postponing team must give 72 hours notice to the opponents and the non-offending team shall give three dates during the 14 days following the scheduled match date. The postponing team must accept one of these dates (or agree an alternative within the 14 days) or the matter will be referred to the committee. The Secretary must be kept fully informed of all these proceedings.

  20. Cayzer Cup Competition

  21. Teams which have not played in the league must apply, with names of the players, and be accepted by the committee. Standard league rules will apply apart from the following.

  22. The format of the competition will be confirmed at the start of each season.

  23. The result of each match will be on aggregate only with two points being awarded for a win and one point each for a draw.

  24. Should teams be level on points at the end of the competition the winner will be decided on total aggregate point difference.

  25. In the final on neutral tables, captains will list their players from 1 to 4 and the organiser will number the tables 1 and 2. Numbers 1 and 3 players will play on table 1 and players 2 and 4 will play on table 2 in that order.

  26. Davies Cup Competition

  27. This is an individual KO competition with all players on scratch. Games will be 200 up except the semi-finals, 300 up, and the final 400 up.

  28. Will Thomas Cup Competition

  29. This is an individual KO competition played off league handicaps and all games will be 200 up. The handicap at the beginning of the first round will apply throughout the competition.

    For both these competitions initial rounds will be drawn, home or away; semifinals and finals will be played on neutral tables.

  30. In all semi-finals and finals a dress code will be applied:

    Players must wear appropriate clothing, being shirts with collars attached, trousers (not shorts) and shoes. In no circumstances will collarless shirts, jeans or trainers be acceptable.

    In individual competitions i.e. the Davies and Will Thomas Cups, any transgression will result in the offending player being eliminated from the competition and the game awarded to his opponent.

    In the Cayzer Cup team competition, the offending player will forfeit his game and his opponent will score 200 points; the offending player will score the amount of his handicap (positive or negative).